And Then There Was Abuse...Part Three by Kendrick

For those who are engaged in a story like the one spoken of… think about this. If someone claims they love you and wants to keep the family together… where is the family if they beat you to death? What kind of example have you left behind to raise your son or daughter if you in the ground because of the one that claimed they loved you in the first place? Its pretty obvious a choice has to be made, the family is already broken, and with an upcoming generation a choice has to be made. Because regardless, an example will be made. Take your time, build strength, pray, and take control of your life once again. And along with that statement I must say be careful. Because people do die trying to escape to make life better. But honestly… its worth fighting for. Cause some make it. And even if they run into finical problems or whatever, I’m sure they are a happier person. I can’t speak from a personal level cause I have not experienced it first hand.

But I can never recall anyone saying, “I wish I would have stayed for one beating because he loved me so much”. Have you? To the males reading this, men get abused too. But in this case as with an immense percentage of others, it is the males doing the abusing or mistreating. Males and females have a responsibility of treating each other right. We have a responsibility of bringing down the divorce rate. It is up to us to bring down crime rates as well. When there is abuse and fighting in the home, the ingredients of an upcoming criminal lies there as well. This is so whether there are children in the home or not. To prevent this, we need to teach ourselves self respect as well as self love. Then once we become comfortable with that and who we have the potential to be, pass the knowledge on. We all have the ability to be great if we apply ourselves. And remember greatness is not measured by the size of our wallets, but the size of the fight for what is right.

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