Facts on Domestic Violence

A woman is beaten every 15 seconds. (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1983)

Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women between ages 15 and 44 in the United States—more than car accidents,m uggings, and rapes combined. (Uniform Crime Reports, 1991)

Over 50% of all women will experience physical violence in an intimate relationship.
(Largo Police Department, 1999 from Domestic Violence at Tripod)

Women who leave their batterers are at a 75% greater risk of being killed by the batterer than those who stay. (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1988)

Nationally,5 0% of all homeless women and children are on the streets because of the violence in the home. (Senator Joseph Biden, 1991)

There are nearly three times asmany animal shelters in the United States than there are shelters for battered women and their children.(Violence Against Women Act, 1990)

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