Good Buys for 09

1.WII. There is just something about this wii gaming system, you can play tennis, guitar hero, etc on this thing. You can be outside without being outside lol.

2.XBOX360. Most likely you won't be able to get your hands on a WII, so a xbox is pretty hawt, especially for those bored days.

3.Digital Camera. If you haven't invested in one yet, you should. Its such a handy to gather up memories in pictures as they happen.

4.Portable Hard drive. You can put all your files, music, etc, and take it with you everywhere, enough said.

5.Guitar Hero. This has to be the greatest game ever made, that makes you feel like a rockstar.

6.Gas Cards. Gas preparedness is the hotness in 09... Just to be on the safe side if gas starts creeping up again.

7.Planner. I know this is the age of the putting everything on your phone. but sometimes writing it and that added visual aid will help in your planning process as well as remembering things. Also, what will you do when your phone goes out! Backup always needed, Paper planner is my love.

8.Board Games. I think this is the year we should all spend less time on the computers or watching television and play some games with family and the such.

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