President- Elect -What has he done?

•President-Elect launched, the beginning of his governmental transparency era. This website provides updates news about what’s going on with the transition. Also on this website you can find information about the transition as well President –Elect and Vice President. This website also offers opportunities for interact ion with citizens and their solutions to the problems our country face. If you haven’t already check out

•President Elect begun weekly YouTube videos to address things going on in the country as well as his transition and administrations.

•President- Elect announced: Congresswoman Hilda Solis as Secretary of Labor; former Congressman Ray LaHood as Secretary of Transportation; Karen Mills as Administrator of the Small Business Administration; and Mayor Ron Kirk as United States Trade Representative.

•President-Elect announced Jared Bernstein as Chief Economist and Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice President.

•The Vice President-elect will chair the President-elect’s “White House Task Force on Working Families.” The Task Force will be comprised of cabinet members like Hilda Solis, Tom Daschle, Bill Richardson and Arne Duncan as well as key advisors Melody Barnes, Peter Orszag, Larry Summers, and Christina Romer. Through regular meetings and outreach with representatives of labor, business, and the advocacy communities, it will work towards raising the living standards of middle-class families.

•President-elect announced: Dr. John Holdren as Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Co-Chair of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). Also announced Dr. Harold Varmus and Dr. Eric Lander as the other co-chairs of PCAST. Additionally, named Dr. Jane Lubchenco as his choice to lead the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

•Dr. Jane Lubchenco has accepted nomination as the Administrator of NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

•President-elect called for an "a 21st century regulatory framework to ensure that a crisis like we have had can never happen again" by announcing the nominations of two top regulatory officials: Mary Schapiro as the Chairwoman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Gary Gensler as the Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Dan Tarullo will serve on the Federal Reserve Board.

•President-Elect announced: Colorado Senator Ken Salazar as his choice for Secretary of the Interior and Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack for Secretary of Agriculture, President-elect Barack Obama made clear he considers both Secretaries-designate to be key members of his energy and environment team.

•President-Elect announced: Arne Duncan, CEO of the Chicago school system as choice for Secretary of Education.

•President-Elect announced: Dr. Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy; Lisa Jackson, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator; Nancy Sutley, Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality; Carol Browner, Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change; and Heather Zichal, Deputy Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change.

•President-Elect announced: Tom Daschle is "known for speaking softly but acting boldly," President-elect Barack Obama said today in announcing the former Senate Majority Leader as his choice for Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services and Director of the new White House Office on Health Reform.

•President-Elect announced: General Eric Shinseki as Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

•President-Elect announced: Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico to join his administration as Secretary of Commerce.

•President-Elect announced: Senator Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, Eric Holder as Attorney General, Governor Janet Napolitano as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Susan Rice as Ambassador to the United Nations, and General Jim Jones, USMC (Ret) as National Security Adviser. President-elect Obama also announced that he has asked Robert Gates to stay on as Secretary of Defense.

•President-Elect announced: Congressman Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) has accepted his offer to join the White House as Chief of Staff.

1 comment:

  1. Time will tell if Vilsack is the proper choice for Ag Secretary. Policies? Transparency? Ethics?

    Dixie Burkhart
    Facts Don't Matter,htm
