Real Chance of Love Finale

It's time to say goodbye to our cheesy love....Real Chance of Love

-They are in Puerto Rico
-Real and Chance asked the girls who they thought was best for each. Risky and Cali thought Cornfed was best for Real. Bey Bey Bey thought Risky was best for Chance and Cornfed thought Cali was best for Chance.
-Bey Bey Bey got all emotional because no one picked her and then Cornfed went off and cried, then they did a little arguing back and forward.
-Bey Bey Bey yaps and yaps, she just never shuts up.
- Bey Bey Bey and Cali was the first date and they went horse riding, dressed raunchy as usual... Shouldn't you dress for anything, kinda dirty to ride horses and not much material in between, maybe its just me.
-Real and Chance tell Cali that Cali and Risky or too close.
- Real has a holster on but with no gun....Hmmmmm.
- Cali felt under that pressure and started talking bad on Risky.
-Bey Bey Bey can't wait to tell Risky what Cali said. Messy self.
-Cali trying to explain her life and that she has problems like everyone lol. Chance almost cried as usual.
- Cornfed and Risky went on the second date on a boat/ Island.

-CHANCE PICKS................He is crying of course!!! He picked Cali!!!!! and after Risky put that tattoo on her. WAIT WAIT he told Cali he not in love with her and he didn't pick EITHER lol lol man lol that's rough NO ONE WAS PICKED.

-Real Picks..................Cornfed.... He didn't feel fireworks with Bey Bey Bey.

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