Yes I Said The News

Israeli officials feel Hamas is starting to get a little worn out, but Hamas leaders are vowing to fight.

The judge declined the request to jail Madoff. He is remaining free on bail and watched at his apartment.

The Aluminum industry has received a big hurt. Alco reported its losses at $1.2 billion. He credits these losses to the weakening world economy which includes construction and autos.

The Grand Jury has convened on the perjury investigation of Roger Clemens in Washington today.

Uh-oh massive auction house Christie's having some of those "R" problems. There are planning to start some cost reduction efforts which will unfortunately include job cuts.

President Obama asked President Bush to request to Congress for the remaining $350 billion to be available quickly right after the inauguration, which Bush agreed to do. Go Bush (Who would have thought I would say that)

Bush's final news conference, awe tear tear (Okay I really didn't drop a tear) was today. He took this time to defend his record, which involved a listing of his mistakes, with such things his Iraq speech before a giant "Mission Accomplished" banner in 2003

Advisers say Obama preparing to close Gitmo (AP)
Mon, 12 Jan 2009 21:41:58 GMT

Word on the street is President Obama first week, maybe even first day in office will issue an executive order to close the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay.

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