Famous Tweets of Episode One of Steven Seagal Lawman

This has already in the first episode become my favorite show lol. Here are some of the famous first tweets of this show lol Hope you enjoy.

charlotteAsh I want to say 2 words to you. Just 2 words: zen tazers #lawman

RT @The_Gambit: On @wdsu @ScottWalker6 just did a story on Jeff Parish and no reference to Steven Seagal: Lawman. NEWS MEDIA FAIL #lawman

  liprap @The_Gambit That ain't right. Hell, that ain't Zen.

liprap @The_Gambit Oh, NO! Zen and Dogs! Dogs and Zen! Oh, the HUMANITY #lawman

  The_Gambit Now that #lawman is over, @ScottWalker6 wants us to switch over to @wdsu news. BUT 
has @ScottWalker6 studied martial arts for 20 years? No.

NOCrimeExaminer Speed and technique, Shercole and Chris. Got it? #iketo
liprap @shercole He doesn't need the gun. He's got Zen On His Side. #lawman

chrisboudy He arrests u & then try 2 b ur friend #stevenseagallawman
@The_Gambit Steven Seagal: Lawman -- cleaning up Jeff Parish one brah at a time, brah. #lawman
WTF Steven Segal has the best eyes ever if he can see people driving in the dark drinking alcohol lmao #tasetime #lawman (via @shercole)

RT @The_Gambit Steven Seagal: Lawman lights up the Jeff Parish night with a T*A*S*E*R! #lawman

@The_Gambit Just like on "Cops" -- on Steven Seagal: Lawman, SHIRTLESSNESS = CRIMINALITY. #lawman

@CherieTNola "This gentleman is not a very good Zen practitioner." Steven Seagal #lawman
CherieTNola We're not worthy. #lawman RT @blathering: @CherieTNola I think because we do not exist in the same universe as Seagal.

charlotteAsh I want to say 2 words to you. Just 2 words: zen tazers #lawman

geauxgirl1 Chuck Norris may have to take a backseat to Steven Seagal #lawman

The_Gambit On @wdsu @ScottWalker6 just did a story on Jeff Parish and made no reference to Steven Seagal: Lawman. NEWS  

The_Gambit "You can look at me like a movie star, or you can wipe that shit out of your head and say 'Steven Seagal can save my life." #lawmanMEDIA FAIL #lawman

RT @The_Gambit: I want to see Steven Seagal: Lawman apprehend a tranny prostitute named "Terry Parkway." #lawman

@YankeeMegInPHL: Steven Seagal expects his "perps" to have a Zen-like attitude? Oh, look! His partner is Ron Artest! #hennessy #lawman

brimayo "Johnny, I think these guys over here are drinking." Seagalvision never fails. #lawman

erwatters JP luvs the tazers! #lawman

RT @amberherself: FINALLY! Steven Seagal: Lawman. He calls the projects "the 'jects." He's THAT hardcore. #LAWMAN #SEAGA

Pistolette Confucious say, you must only teach martial art to portly eldermen. #lawman

brimayo "I had a flashback from 'Above the Law'" #lawman 

@The_Gambit Steven Seagal: Lawman wears yellow-tinted sunglasses at night. At 3 am. On the Westbank. He rules. #lawman

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