The Gateway to Fame by JaYNiQue

I decided to start the year off by talking about some important issues. Several issues really. The first thing I want to talk about is the young generation and how they seem to be moving so fast. I went out New Years Eve and was shocked to see the clothing, or lack thereof, young girls between the ages of 13-17 wear today. I was standing next to a group of young girls who were no older than 16 and they had on these really short skirts, knee high boots, and short jackets that stop just below the breast. Thankfully, they had long sleeved shirts on. I didn’t want to ease drop on their conversation, but it was really hard to miss considering they were talking over one another. The topic of choice was sex. They were all discussing who they "hooked" up with the night before and who they were planning on "hooking up" with that night. Being only 22 years old myself, it seems like my 16 was a lifetime ago compared to their sixteen. When I was in high school, I wasn't worried about "hooking" up with guys, I was more concerned with sports and hanging out with my friends at the mall on Saturdays. Sure, my friends and I talked about cute guys all the time, but our conversations were never about sex. And that's all it really is. "Hooking Up" is so common today that girls who don't "hook up" are classified as either being "nerds" or "scary". And not even the "nerds" because even they are "hooking up." Has this generation lost its self respect? I don't understand how young people can be so cavalier, so loose sexually. What's shocking is the fact that 1 in every 3 or so girls have contracted at least ONE STD before their 18th birthday. Now that is sad..and very scary. I fear that the generation under this one will be like.

Another thing I want to talk about is the INSTANT celebrity. It seems like everyone wants to be a celebrity...And where people are finding their instant fame? YOUTUBE. My goodness! Everyone is on there. From dancers to singers, to babies to old grandmas. The guy with the "Leave Britney alone vid" got Million’s of views. The guy who danced to Beyonce's Single Ladies was featured on CNN and he was even on a few talk shows. Are you serious? You don't even have to have a talent to be a celebrity. Look at Kim Kardashian, all she had to do is leak the footage to her sex tape and BAM she's famous. Now, I have no problem with Kim really. I watched one episode of their show only because she, her sisters, was in New Orleans with Saints player Reggie Bush, and they did something really nice for Katrina family survivor. Anyway... All I have left to is if you want to be famous...Just put yourself on YouTube, or Myspace~ be like Tila Tequila~ she herself was discovered on Myspace. Myspace and YouTube~ the Gateway to Fame…


1 comment:

  1. yea we live in an instant gratification type society now, everything has been stripped of meaning and just micro-sized to its bases form. It's sad because children are being robbed of their innocence sooner than need be.
