The Golden Ticket... by YB3

I happened to walk in on a scene of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory today and got a little inspiration to blog. The scene of the movie is when Charlie returns home after finding the final Golden Ticket. His family is very happy for him and celebrating and in true Charlie fashion he ruins the moment by being unselfish LOL. He stops them mid celebration and says something like "Well this woman offered me $500 for the ticket, and there were others that would give me more. We need the money far more than I need this trip."

Now one of his bedridden grandparents called him to his side and responded, "There's plenty of money out there. They print more every day. But this ticket, there's only five of them in the whole world, and that's all there's ever going to be. Only a dummy would give this up for something as common as money. Are you a dummy?"

I've seen this movie before and this part never really stuck out to me. It did today, but that just how life is right? Sometimes you see a movie, read a book, or have something happen and the message/lesson does not registered until later.

In life, most of us are chasing money instead of chasing our dreams. In my line of work there are plenty of people that took the money. Most of them could have been anything they wanted. Artists, musicians, etc. Things they actually love, but they chose what was safe. I know people who are very talented and passionate about other things, but were afraid to pursue their dreams. And because they took the money they spend most of their time at a job they hate.

Now lets get back to Charlie. Lets say Charlie would have taken the money. That would have solved his families problems temporarily and they could have ended up back in the same dilemma. Poor and still needing more money. Instead Charlie followed his heart. Not only did he get the adventure of a lifetime, but he also inherited his own chocolate factory. Money was never an issue anymore.

So maybe by doing what makes your heart content is far more important than pursuing something as "common" as money. Maybe following your dreams, no matter what they are will always be far more rewarding.

Just a thought....

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