Learning From Fear and Regrets On How To Live

Sometimes we all let some type of fear take over us and stop us temporarily or even permanently from during important things in our lives. We let this fear dominate our decision making, ultimately because of our fear of failure. Personally, many times in my life I have passed on certain things, because of my fear of uncertainty and basically because I was scared of failing.  I had many regrets, (which I'm now over) which could have been avoided if I took the chance. Sometimes it's better to step out your box instead of living with the question "what if" forever. 

 I lived a good portion of my life (well my whole life) as an over achiever.  I always had this "something" inside of me where I had to excel at everything....in my head there were no other options.  I always set my standards higher for everything; because I lived my life like this for so long the idea of failure scared the hell out of me.  As I got older there came times where I had to make decisions where I let fear stop me.  Thankfully I moved pass this point in my life. Sometimes we go through life thinking we made the right decisions, safe decisions, but always have something in the back of your head questioning it.  

Fear of failure can sneak up on you at any time and make you believe making that safe decision was the best option.  What is a best option? I personally think there is no such thing as a best option. You just make a decision that feels right to you right now, because it will always be a chance that decision will fall apart.  It's just all about taking chances and understanding that every decision no matter how great you think it is has the ability to fall apart and become a problem. 

Life is all about taking chances.  Everyday there will be a chance for you to fail but so what.  It's all about going out there and trying regardless. If you do fail at least you learned from it.  There is nothing worse than living a life with regret on your heart.  The great thing about life is you get other chances.  Life would be boring if you went through it taking no chances and things handed to you. Nothing is like the feeling of accomplishment from the success of breaking free from your fear and hard work you put in.


1 comment:

  1. Shercole,
    Thanks for this. I will watch your progress. Success is the avoidance of failure, which can often come from appropriate goal-setting.

    More on www.how-not-to-fail.com
