The Sudoku Puzzle by Paige

So I decided that my brain needed some exercise seeing that as of late my memory has escaped me more often than not. Like this morning for example: during my normal leaving the house in a hurry routine; I had all my things ready set to go. my purse (the big orange one that is often mistaken as luggage), my lap top and my lunch and of course my keys. Hands full I reached up to set the alarm and rush out the door within the 60 sec allotted time slot before the thing blares with sirens. So there... I'm out the door... now to lock it... where r my keys?! Simple mistake you may say, I've done that before you're probably recalling. But dude I don't even remember how the keys got out of my ready set go hands in the first place!!! What had I done wrong? Where was the discrepancy? No recollection.

Yes I tried retracing my steps, I ran the scenario over and over in my mind to no avail. Luckily I couldn't lock the door without them, but I had to wait 5 min while the alarm was setting in before I could go back inside to get them, which now delayed my hurried departure. My brain was hurting and pounding with the frustration of my forgetfulness even after I redid my morning ritual, this time keys in hand. Which leads me to the brain exercise and new craze that is sweeping the nation... SUDOKU! I'm sure you've heard of it the number puzzle where you "Simply place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell so that each row, each column and 3x3 block contains all the numbers from 1-9.(this means that no number can appear twice in any row, column or 3x3 box.)" from Sudoku 252 Puzzles. Simple right? Wrong! But indeed that is why this is a great tool for boosting memory and exercising your brain. It has been 17 days and I am excited to say that I have solved 2 puzzles during that time! Yes 2! A great accomplishment in my book! So I dare you, go ahead and exercise your brain pick up a Sudoku puzzle book at your nearest local drug store or simply start with the Sunday paper and take the Sudoku challenge. You can have your memory back one puzzle at a time!
Posted by paigeswrite

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