The Mis-Art of Procrastination

To be or not to be that is the question... and you know... the answer is within. I use to keep telling myself that i needed to experience more to see more of life before I was able to share anything with the world... that indeed was say is my procrastination... waiting on the right thing to say some new story that has never been told when i know that there is nothing new under the sun. We all know that procrastination stems from fear which paralyzes and keeps us from moving in a forward mobile state... and it is such the perfect vice to being stagnant and complacent. I am afraid... i am paralyzed keeping myself from my own truth my own dream and vision. I think it funny that I can uplift and motivate any and everyone else yet my own motivation is being pressured and pushed down by fear of what could be. I want it so bad yet i don't think i would know what to do with it if i had it.. maybe that's why i can't do it right now... writers block... that's what I'll call it. this feeling i have this inability to create this inadequacy this lack of better words... or any words for that matter. this is a random blog my thoughts running on a rampage running from me in the discourse of mind... mine... but there is something that does consume me love selfless or reckless love in the eye of the beholder i suppose. my first love of words seems to be lost scattered and out of tune. maybe it's better that it hurts that its difficult that i must keep putting off my destiny???? makes no sense at all...

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