1. WIKIPEDIA.ORG-Online Encyclopedia. Pretty cool site, you can find most things you want. The problem is anyone can change information and some things can be totally off base.

2. Yahoo Finance- Everything you need to keep up with the Business World. Its a great site especially for us money lovers.

3. Craigslist- It has every type of want ads you want ranging from furniture to jobs. Im craigslist addicted. Read the personals, such a good laugh!

4. ESPN- Sports Mega Site.

5.YELP- User Submitted reviews and evaluations of different businesses. Never been on the site as of yet.

6. Facebook- Social Networking site. Its like the classy Myspace, I love it!

7. DIGG- Ranks Stories. Haven't tried it yet.

8. Google- Google have everything, email, reader,documents,pictures, bookmarks,etc. I loveee google Im obsessed it should be number one.

9. TMZ-Gossip Site

10. Flickr- Digital Photo sharing site.

Personally, I don't totally agree with this list. My list would look more like this...... Google, Craigslist,photobucket,Facebook,Myspace,etc.

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