
Hypocracy by JaYNiQue
Thought From 11-5-08
I find my mood going from elation and pride to aggravation and annoyance. Last night history was made when Sen. Barack Obama was elected President of the United States. For some, it was not a big deal; but for others like myself it was a big deal. To know that someone that looks like me has been given the highest honor in the world is such an amazing feeling. There are no words. Yes, I voted. I did not just vote for myself. I voted for my father who is not here to see this day happened. I voted for my grandparents who are not here today. Finally, an African American has been judged by his character and not by the color of his skin. Finally, people all over the United States have pride, and hope. And maybe, just maybe there is a little boy or girl out there thinking, “I can do it too”. It’s time to stand up and be joyful this day has come. A day to be proud that our country, that has so many scars, so many red marks on it; is doing something so amazing. Instead of some people just giving Obama this moment there are people who would rather hate than be proud. That would rather criticize than rejoice. It is truly sad. People I’ve known all my life have the nerve to question me for having “the audacity of hope.” Dare to dream. Dare to be happy. To be Free. To finally say, “yes I can be anything.” Proof that hard work and determination can and will pay off. Instead of just giving me this one day to just truly be happy; to know pure joy, they decided to try and bring with down. To have the nerve to tell me, “ I cannot wait until I’ll be able to say ‘I told you so’”. To not even give Obama a chance. A real chance to show that he is capable of bringing this country together.

He proved it with the MILLIONS and MILLIONS of votes he received. He proved it by not stooping to John McCain’s level with dirty politics. The Americans has chosen and yet some people still cannot just be happy. Why? You come to me with the same tired garbage that Obama “kills” babies or he is for gay marriage.

You say call him a socialist but each and every one of you are getting financial aid. You call him an anti Christian when each of you are having premarital sex. You call him a baby killer when some of you have gotten abortions. He’s not a real Christian and yet you are when some of you, most of you have had more than one sexual partner. Lying is a sin. Each of you lie every single day of your lives. And the lists goes on and on again. How can you judge Him when you all cannot say the same about yourselves. Do you know what that makes you? A Hypocrite! Moliere said it best, “One should examine oneself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others.” You want to judge him, but “Forbear to judge, for we are sinners all” William Shakespeare, Henry VI.

You want to judge someone, why don’t you judge YOURSELF!

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