You Choose, Just Vote Part 2


Obama's Stance on Ethics

Barack Obama has been a leader on government transparency – refusing to take donations from lobbyists or PACs, improving disclosure and creating a database where the public can track federal contracts and earmarks.

McCain's Stance on Ethics

John McCain has no less than 177 lobbyists working on his campaign, including many of his top advisors. McCain’s own campaign manager continued to receive money from Freddie Mac until August 2008.

Foreign Policy

Obama's Stance on Foreign Policy

Barack Obama will continue the long American tradition of smart diplomacy to keep the country safe while improving America’s standing in the world.

McCain's Stance on Foreign Policy

John McCain will carry on George Bush’s policy of unilateral action that puts American troops in harm’s way without exhausting diplomatic options.

Health Care

Obama's Stance on Health Care

Barack Obama’s health care plan will provide accessible, affordable coverage for all, and it will reduce health care costs for families.

McCain's Stance on Health Care

John McCain’s health plan would tax health benefits for the first time ever — imposing a trillion tax increase on working families and leaving millions without heath care.

Homeland Security

Obama's Stance on Homeland Security

Barack Obama supports increased security measures for our airports, ports, and land borders, part of a national plan to protect American’s infrastructure and keep our communities safe.

McCain's Stance on Homeland Security

John McCain opposed increased screening of cargo entering the United States and opposed increased security for airport, port and boarder security.

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