Men's Winter Fashion

By: Tony Omar

This year in fashion it is all about the scarf for men's fashion yes you heard it right the scarf. Where in the summer you might rock a bandana or a towel this winter it's the scarf. From artist such as Jay Z to world leaders such as Muammar al-Gaddafi all rock the scarf. I will admit the scarf does give a personal touch to an outfit that a tie or nice shirt just simply cannot so for the winter you gotta have a scarf.

Next on the winter list is the shades. With the sun shinning brighter on the northern hemisphere because the earth is closer to the sun in the winter. You will definitely need some sun glasses for winter to protect your eyes from sun damage. With that in mind it gives you the opportunity to splurge on something you need so get a pair of fresh shades that fit your face and not the face you seen on someone else and you will be fresh to death for the winter.

Last for my winter style is gloves but please only if you have on a nice overcoat and everything else is in place. Do not wear gloves with a shirt or a nice sweater you will just look like you are picking up leaves or doing yard work. Your gloves should be colorful no black or brown let them stand out and make a statement saying hey I have on a nice pair of gloves I am sophisticated and probably know a great spot around here to have some nice wine.

You can combine all three together sure it looks natural and not like some costume or somebody trying to hard to be hip and cool. Remember if you're comfortable with it and in it it will always look better than if you are wearing it for the name. Have fun this winter and you will be locking it down when it comes to style.

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