Change in 09'

From here on out, 2009 will be known as the year of CHANGE. As of January 2, 2009, I declare the cease of the word swagger and every variation. (Swag, Swagga, Swaggerific, etc) It is now time for the world to let the most over-used word die. Along with this, any sample of M.I.A.'s Paper Planes is now punishable by law. In 2008 too many artist sampled it for its "swag" and we need not bring it into 2009.

Also, in 2009, the use of vocoders/auto tuners will be punishable by law. I love Kanye, I even like Lil Wayne, but its time to put this voice manipulation to bed. It was okay when we only had to listen to one artist using it (T-PAIN) but now it has gone to far.

In 2009, NO 1 song is allowed more than "one remix" with a maximum of 4 minutes. To many artist in 2008, had like 6 remixes and dragged on for 15 minutes long. We must put a stop to this!

Although I love my homegrown Lil Wayne, in 2009 I declare that artist should limit Lil Wayne's involvement on tracks. In 2008, Lil Wayne was on everyone's album, there is no need for him to be on everything. I would like to see material from him alone.

Also, in 2009 I declare "certain" artist find hobbies because they have absolutely too much time on their hands. Too much time to find problems with other crazy shows or vlogs.

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