Min We Fav Blog Series: The more you read, the more you’ll know, the more you learn, the more places you’ll go!

[to paraphrase Dr. Seuss]
Today, I was posed a question on Twitter from @meganmonique.
“@champsuperstar Avid Reader: What would you recommend me reading to start my ventures, considering I don’t remember the last book I read.”
I thought about how to respond in 140 characters, but decided this terrific question warranted much more thought than just a Tweet.
My Twitter profile says “Avid reader”, among other things. Avid, though, comes in fits and starts. My love for books, however, never wanes. I love the look, the feel, the smell of books. I like the way different papers feel between my fingers as I prepare to turn a page. Sometimes, I will re-read the last paragraph on a page just to be able to rub a particularly wonderful feeling fiber blend a little longer.

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