Min We Loves Books & Authors: Life Within The Dorm

Tell Us about your new book, Life Within The Dorm... What can we expect? 
For many, the college campus provides a canvas for epiphany and self discovery. While enrolled, students from all over the world create blueprints that will provide permanent foundations for life beyond the yard. "Life Within The Dorm" is a witty collection of college related poems that will no doubt, help underclassmen successfully navigate the undergraduate experience and send college graduates on a journey imbued with nostalgia. If you've had the college experience, "Life Within the Dorm" is like looking at a photo album of your college days.  If you haven't had the college experience, "Life Within the Dorm" is a crash course on college culture.

Why this subject?
We all have crazy college stories that are worth retelling.  I took some of the stories that could help individuals and put them in this book in the form of prose.  In other words, if you like "Sole Food", you will LOVE "Life Within the Dorm".

Who should read this book?
Seekers of knowledge and Harry Potter fans-LOL!

Tell us a little about your background? 
I'm many things to different people.  To one, I'm a boyfriend, to others I'm a professor and there are others who know me as a sneakerhead.  One day, the urge to publish just welled up inside me.  The products of that urge became "Sole Food" and "Life Within the Dorm".

Working on any new projects for 2010?
Yes.  Currently, I am penning a book about my personal experience with Blount's disease and also a book on relationships, which is a subject that I've tried to avoid, but I can't.

How can we buy your books?
You can buy all of them via Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com

Any tips for those looking to write a book? 
Yes.  Follow your heart and start researching publishing companies.  Also, don't let others destory your vision just because they can't see it.

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