Min We Fav Tees

I love this Making Groceries T-Shirt. Its truly a New Orleans thing, folks from down here make groceries!!!!
You Know I had to add the Who D@ T-Shirt.... I am from New Orleans and of course Im a Saints Fan.

Gimme That Glow: Stay True Blue Look

Hope you like my new model.  From now on I shall try to use her for all my looks! This look I want to share with you today is what I call Stay True Blue.  I love blue, every shade and wanted to create an outfit that stayed true to this idea. This is a cool little wacky look for a night out on the town!

Why I love & Miss Jodeci

1. As a kid, I was in love with Dalvin DeGrate.  How can you not love a man with DeGrate in his name.  He didn't say much, but he was greatness.

2. Jodeci had Devante!!!! At that time you couldn't go wrong with Devante producing music, talking through the tracks, and singing key phrases.

3.  Because of KC and his vein.  You know how I knew KC could sing?   because when he get all into the music that vein on the side of his neck would pop out.  A few times, he was feeling it so much I thought that vein would just pop out his neck!!!! Then you hear his signature "Oooh Yea", then his brother JOJO comes along with a  "yeah ahhhhh". You just couldn't go wrong with that combo.

4. Jodeci had 3 albums, 3 compilations, and 13 singles between 1991 and 1996!!!!!!

(My Favorite Video: Such a beautiful song... well because Dalvin was seen throughout the video lol)

Min We Loves Books & Authors: Life Within The Dorm

Tell Us about your new book, Life Within The Dorm... What can we expect? 
For many, the college campus provides a canvas for epiphany and self discovery. While enrolled, students from all over the world create blueprints that will provide permanent foundations for life beyond the yard. "Life Within The Dorm" is a witty collection of college related poems that will no doubt, help underclassmen successfully navigate the undergraduate experience and send college graduates on a journey imbued with nostalgia. If you've had the college experience, "Life Within the Dorm" is like looking at a photo album of your college days.  If you haven't had the college experience, "Life Within the Dorm" is a crash course on college culture.

Why this subject?
We all have crazy college stories that are worth retelling.  I took some of the stories that could help individuals and put them in this book in the form of prose.  In other words, if you like "Sole Food", you will LOVE "Life Within the Dorm".

Who should read this book?
Seekers of knowledge and Harry Potter fans-LOL!

Tell us a little about your background? 
I'm many things to different people.  To one, I'm a boyfriend, to others I'm a professor and there are others who know me as a sneakerhead.  One day, the urge to publish just welled up inside me.  The products of that urge became "Sole Food" and "Life Within the Dorm".

Working on any new projects for 2010?
Yes.  Currently, I am penning a book about my personal experience with Blount's disease and also a book on relationships, which is a subject that I've tried to avoid, but I can't.

How can we buy your books?
You can buy all of them via Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com

Any tips for those looking to write a book? 
Yes.  Follow your heart and start researching publishing companies.  Also, don't let others destory your vision just because they can't see it.

Why I love Prince

He is a phenomenal singer and performer.  Without Prince and all his controversy many artist wouldn't have a chance! You can see Prince Influence in today's music. Two good examples....Usher and Ne-Yo, just listen to some of their lyrics and the way they sing certain songs.

Prince has sold over 80 million albums.  He has 30 albums, 10 platinum albums, and  30 Top 40 singles and countless awards! Prince has been on the scene from the early 70s until now!!! Not many artist have that type of staying power.  He is still the man and relevant.

Prince can wear whatever he wants and no one will question him. The only thing that will ever be said about Prince's fashion is " Well it's Prince." He can do whatever he likes fashion wise and get away with it.  Have you known another man who had  his butt showing in cutout pants! No you haven't because it isn't possible!!!

He made songs like Darling Nikki and I Hate You. How could you not love? Woke Up The next morning, Nikki wasn't there, I looked all over and all I found was a phone number on the stairs saying Thank You  for the funky time, call me up whenever you want to grind....... See what I mean? How can you not  love it! Or how about Prince telling you he hates you, but loves you!!! Only Prince can have those two strong emotions and put them together!!!

Doctor Rosen Rosen Remixes

A new dark prince of alt-pop to start rooting for - MIXTAPE MAESTRO

01 Drake - FOREVER (Doctor Rosen Rosen Rx)
02 Weezer - I Want You To (Doctor Rosen Rosen Rx)
03 Lily Allen - Never Gonna Happen (Doctor Rosen Rosen Rx)
04 Phoenix - LISZTOMANIA (Doctor Rosen Rosen Rx)
05 Eminem - WE MADE YOU (Doctor Rosen Rosen Rx)
06 Alaska In Winter - BERLIN (Doctor Rosen Rosen Rx)
07 Lilly Allen - FUCK YOU (Doctor Rosen Rosen Rx)
08 Mission District - HEARTBREAKER (Doctor Rosen Rosen Rx)* previously unreleased
09 Britney Spears - WOMANIZER (Doctor Rosen Rosen Rx)
10 Sliimy - WOMANIZER (Doctor Rosen Rosen Rx)* previously unreleased

Lady Gaga / Grace Jones

I absolutely love Lady Gaga, so I just had to do a story on her. There are many reasons why one would love Lady Gaga.  For one, she has a cool real name.... Stefani Joanne Angelina Germonatta, you probably can't help but be a star with 4 names. This pretty cool singer born March 28th, been on the scene since around 2007.

So far she has sold over 20 million albums with The Fame (2008) and  The Fame Monster (2009).  Several hot singles by her are Just Dance, Poker Face, Paparazzi, and Bad Romance.

She has such an eclectic style and music taste that works well together. You can see the many musical influences in her from Madonna  to Davide Bowie.  One main influence that makes me love her more is her style resemblance to the Original Queen of the Odd and Greatness, Grace Jones.

Grace Jones is one unique lady and successful model, actress, and singer.  She's been in 19 movies and on countless Show. More notable for her roles in  Conan The Destroyer and Boomerang. She also has 10 albums out ranging from 1977 to 2008.