Give Britten A Listen

There is an artist out in Nashville that you have to check out. His name is Britten... Britten is definitely a man with a soulful voice, that can rival many. He is well known in Nashville, but the world needs to know about him. My favorite songs by Britten are "She" and "Something New". Here is a little excerpt written about him, "Upon first glance, you don’t really see Britten coming. On the surface, he’s cute; he’s soft-spoken, and, he’s about as nice as they come. And, being that he’s from Music City, when he tells you that he’s a “singer/songwriter”, that doesn’t really surprise you either. There are a ton of country and Contemporary Christian musicians roaming the streets with a guitar on their backs. But once he takes to the stage, with his smooth vocals and remarkable range, all assumptions are out the door."
Check out BRITTEN

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