Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Me and fellow Min We Tech Guy went on a see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal Skull. We went in with no expectations (how could you when the last movie was in 1989!).... Left out with a mixture of feelings ranging from wow, exciting,weird,ok, to just okay but oh so right. For the good and the bad of the movie in my opinion it hit the spot ( I actually don't regret going to the theater to see it!). Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) stayed true to his character even in his older age, he was young as ever with his wonderful action sequences. Here is a little something about the movie:Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is a 2008 adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg, from a story co-written by executive producer George Lucas. Set in 1957, the fourth film in the Indiana Jones film series pits an older Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) against agents of the Soviet Union, led by Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett), in the search for a crystal skull. Indy is aided by his former lover Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen), the greaser "Mutt" Williams (Shia LaBeouf), and fellow adventurer Mac (Ray Winstone). John Hurt and Jim Broadbent also play fellow academics.

I must say the whole alien work in was kinda weird to me, I truly wasn't expecting it, but nonetheless a good movie! Go out and check it out.

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