News In Brief

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Somali Pirates Seize More Vessels

An Indian warship reportedly destroyed a pirate ship in the Gulf of Aden as gunmen from Somalia seized two more vessels in the area.

The pirates have seized a Thai fishing boat, a Greek bulk carrier and a Hong Kong-flagged ship heading to Iran since Saturday's spectacular capture of a Saudi supertanker carrying $100 million of oil, the biggest ship in history to be hijacked.

Eric Holder Likely Choice For Attorney General

President-elect Obama is poised to name Washington lawyer Eric Holder as the nation's first black attorney general.

Consumer Prices, Housing Starts Plummet

A record drop in consumer prices and a plunge in housing starts in October point to continued weakness in the nation's economy, government reports said Wednesday.

Congo Rebels Set To Propose Cease-Fire Line

Congolese rebels planning talks with the army on Wednesday will consider a demarcation zone to keep the forces apart, a rebel spokesman said, suggesting there may be hope that Congo's latest war was easing.

Woman Gets New Windpipe Grown From Own Cells

A woman has been given a new windpipe with tissue grown from her own stem cells, eliminating the need for anti-rejection drugs, thanks to a breakthrough medical technique.

Stevens Narrowly Loses Alaska Senate Seat

Ted Stevens, the Senate's longest-serving Republican, has lost his re-election after a final vote count showed Alaskans had narrowly turned him out of office following his conviction on corruption charges.

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