Just Breathe...It's Good 4 You

There is nothing like good old fashion breathing to get you going. Breathing properly can help you in many aspects. Breathing can create a calm and serene state of being which helps in restoring well being and helps you get a handle on stress. Proper breathing enhances focus and concentration and reduces all the clutter in our minds. It can also encourage clearer breathing lowers blood pressure, increase circulation, and strengthen your body in particular the heart muscle.

Tips for proper breathing
The thing that works the best for me especially when under pressure or when I have a headache is breathing. I breathe in to my lung capacity and release all the air out and then smile. Some other techniques are move your belly with your breathes, lengthen, exhale, and pause after exhaling. Keep your upper body relax; consciously relax the jar, throat, neck, and shoulders. Pretend you are blowing a balloon and breathe in preferably with your mouth closed. Then inhale through your nose with tongue on roof of your mouth, and then exhale slowly. Anytime you need to just take a moment, feel stress, need to think, just take time and breathe. Breathing does the body good!

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