Easy Like Sunday Morning...

The high impact of chaos and disorder in our minds, never the less in our hectic lives leave us drained at the end of the week and dreading the beginning of the new week starting the moment we leave work on Friday. We sometimes jam our weekends with so much activity that we never begin replenishment for the next week. Sundays become an added stress simply because of the day it carries behind it. It seems that even during the most relaxing activity on Sundays such as a picnic on the lake or a nice long drive in the opposite direction of your life's habitat; can seemingly be an additive to stress because we don't want the day to end, in fact..."I don't want to go to work in the morning! Ugh! " Sundays had been noted as the day of rest in our culture, of course this was enforced many years ago and was somehow lost in the midst of time travel, the emphasis we've put on gain, and the lack of satisfaction. Sundays meant praise, worship and napping. Dinner was prepared the night before, the laundry had already been done and folded away. the shopping centers dare not open for business on Sunday. Things were oh so simple then. This day use to be sacred and easy it would seem that all the cares of the world would be put behind you on Sunday which is a great detox from the demanding week we've put behind us. Nowadays, Sundays are an extra day in the work week. Even if we are off on Sundays there is much to do in prep for the dreaded week's beginning. The point of my rantings about Sunday is that we have moved away from the simplicity and easiness of Sundays and maybe just maybe we are a contributing factor to the restlessness and pessimism. So I urge you to take this first day of June which just so happens to be Sunday and TRY to make Sundays easy for the rest of the month, at least. Cause maybe if we had just one day where we actually did nothing and took the time to read, write, listen to a friend or music and just... Be... on Sunday; We'll begin to relax a bit and the tension of the work week may dwindle just a tad. Just a random thought... enjoy your Sunday and forget about tomorrow. Be in your present moment. Be easy, easy like Sunday mornings should be. Oh and the song is not too shabby either! lol by Lionel Richie

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