Sex and the City Review

Ever since the last episode of Sex and the City, I wanted more, I needed more, I just had to know what happen next. Then last year, on a Tuesday, I heard the unthinkable there was going to be a movie. I was excited beyond words and was patiently waiting until May 30th.

On May 30th at 1:10pm (dressed in our best fashion) me and fellow Min We Paige, ventured in hoping to not be disappointed... And we weren't! There was tears of sadness, tears of joy, tears of laughter. Let's call this movie tears of life. It brought water to my eyes in all ways possible. This was truly a phenomenal movie that kept movie goers guessing but definitely not disappointed. The outfits and shoes would make any fashion love weak in the knees. The movie appealed to a range of different types of individuals giving all viewers a little of what they may need. It's a movie to definitely see with friends and pull out your stilettos, designer bags, and hottest outfits and go see Sex and the City, go party, get a Cosmo (or pretend to), and just live it in whatever City you in....

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